Friday, August 31, 2007


This is the first of many chapters to chronicle the saga of the One Men Call THROM.
Each new post will include a new chapter, and a new song to accompany it. As time passes and the planets spin in their galactic reverie, an entire album will be assembled, and the curtains will close on that chapter of THROM's quest for glory.

Throm was born in the time before time, in the Lost World on a shifting plane of the infinite multiverse. Life there was still primitive, but a rudimentary society had barely managed to stave off the warlike instincts of its inhabitants.

He was born of a gruff nobleman named Thorzar. He never knew his mother. That is, not until he was eleven years old, when, upon hearing strange and sinister noises coming from his Father’s den, he wandered in to discover him in an intimate embrace with a red-skinned demon woman. It was a nightmare tableau of mismatched flesh. Thinking his Father was murdering the demoness because of her screeching and wailing, he thrust his Father off of her with preternatural strength and in a moment of wild rage, choked his Father to death with his little, bare hands.

Young Throm, disturbingly satisfied with bloodlust, was prepared to step up as the man of the house when the demoness informed him of a horrific reality. She was his mother: a demon on a periodical conjugal leave from the eighth circle of Hell. For his crime, she banished Throm, half-man and half-demon, to the farthest reaches of the Wastes of the Netherland. This outcome was pleasing to Thorzar’s Brother, the wise King Soltar, who feared the strength and dark heart of his nephew.

Throm grew up alone, surviving the harshest of environments and fending off myriad beasts and foes until he was a WARRIOR SUPREME. When he had reached his ultimate manhood, he learned of the dark plot of the Wizard Gnar-Teth. Gnar-Teth was an evil sorcerer, hungry for power over all creation. His grandest scheme having just reached fruition, King Soltar was struck down by dark magic, and the throne empty.

Throm, by birthright, is the new King of the Lost World. And he will journey through hell and back to claim his throne…
Prelude: Throm's Theme

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